R.C.A.T. Licensed Roofing Contractor #03-0219
Construction is an Essential Business. Est 1988 .

Owens Corning Duration Shingles

Our Owens Corning Rep Milissa Westmeyer stopped by the office with a guest from the OC technical department.

They told of all the product updates for 2012. There are a great deal of new, more vibrant, colors referred to as their “TruDefinition” shingles.

Owens Corning also gave us a good look at their Durantion Shingles. In addition to being a great looking shingle, there are some very beneficial advances made with their SureNail technology. In simple terms,  this is a shingle that is easier to install properly. (To the homeowner, our very large repair department is filled with work from other companies that have not installed things properly).

Owens Corning also offers great enhanced warranties. These enhanced warranties can take the 10-year non-prorated warranty of a roof system from 10 years to 50. Special installation specifications are required including the use of an Owens Corning Preferred Contractor such as Bert Roofing Inc.

To request a free estimate, you can call us at 214-321-9341 or fill out our online form.

Call Us At (214) 321-9341