R.C.A.T. Licensed Roofing Contractor #03-0219
Construction is an Essential Business. Est 1988 .
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GAF Certified Contractor
Owens corning preferred contractor


Bert Roofing Wins 2013 Industry Award

Bert Roofing Wins 2013 NTRCA Golden Hammer Award Earlier today, the North Texas Roofing Contractors Association announced Dallas based Bert Roofing Inc. as a 2013 Winner of a “Golden Hammer Award” for “Outstanding Residential Project” in 2013. This is the sixth time...

GAF TPO White Roofing

GAF TPO White Roofing We recently attended training at Wholesaler Southern Shingles in Coppell TX. The session was taught by Jake Landry of GAF. Jake is with GAF’s C.A.R.E (center for the advancement of roofing excellence) program and was a great instructor....

Glass & Acrylic Skylights

Glass & Acrylic Skylights As a full-service Dallas based roofing company, skylights are naturally one of the many things we do in addition to shingles. Flashing skylights, on roof replacements or repairs, is an every week occurrence for us. We also install replace...

Carlisle TPO Single-ply

Single-ply training at RSG Earlier this summer we received an invitation from Chuck Arista, our long-time Elk factory representative now with Roofing Supply Group (RSG) of Dallas, to attend demonstration and training for Carlisle’s TPO and Single-Ply at their...

New Texas Law Separating Contractors & Adjusters

New Texas Law Separating Contractors & Adjusters As discussed at the NTRCA meeting a few weeks ago, and mentioned in a previous blog post, Governor Perry signed HR 1183 into law this week. The bill is short but can have a great impact. Here is how it reads (note...

TamkoPro Contractor

Bert Roofing Has Been Named A Tamko Pro Contractor Bert Roofing has recently been named a Tamko Pro Certified Contractor. To receive this designation, Bert Roofing had to go through a lengthy application process that checked our history and quality of work as well as...

Faux Slate Roof

Faux Slate Mistaken For Real Slate This is a home for sale that I was asked to inspect a while back. The roof was said to be a real slate roof which is a product we generally refer to our friends at Scottie Ballentyne Roofing, but a good customer requested an...

Steel Roof Overlay Quality

Is a Metal Steel Roof Overlay a good system? The roof above is one I recently looked at for a potential buyer of this property. It is a stone coated steel roof installed over a cedar shake roof approximately 15 years old located in far North Dallas. Normally I would...

Minimum Pitch/Slope of An Asphalt Shingle Roof

What is the minimum Pitch/Slope of an Asphalt Shingle Roof? Shingles of all types need to have a slope to function properly. The minimum requirement is 2/12. The 2/12 number is rise over run or two units of vertical for every 12 units horizontal. That works out to...

Claims Adjusting & Roofing Contractors

Adjusting: What Roofing Contractors Can & Can Not Do Last week we attended the monthly “Lunch & Learn” meeting with the North Texas Roofing Contractors Association. The speakers were Bill Voss of the Voss Law Firm and Jake Posey of The Posey Law...
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